Oriental Herbal Medicine | New Life Acupuncture | Human Energy Healing Centre

Oriental Herbal Medicine


Oriental Herbal Medicine treats the full range of human diseases – acute, chronic and degenerative diseases. Oriental Herbal Medicine is especially good for promoting the body’s ability to heal and recover from illness and aging.

Oriental Herbal Medicine is used not only for pain management, but also as a comprehensive system of health care and tonification functions.

Tonification means supporting weakness or tiredness of body using herbs like ginseng and combined with other herbs.

When you take tonifying herbs for disease prevention and aging, they can increase our immunity and improve our health, making us free from discomforts, pains and diseases.

Even cancer patients can be treated for the side effects of chemotherapy with Oriental herbs, enhancing their quality of life.

Herbal remedies are a good choice for a busy person. Herbs can save time and a trip to the clinic as you can take the herbs in your home.