Oriental Medicine | New Life Acupuncture | Human Energy Healing Centre

Oriental Medicine


Traditional medicine can be defined as the knowledge, skills and practices of holistic health care, recognized and accepted for its role in the maintenance of health and the treatment of diseases. It is based on indigenous theories, beliefs and experiences that are handed down from generation to generation (Development of National Policy on Traditional Medicine, Manila, WHO, 2000).

In Oriental Medicine, disease has been seen as imbalances in the organ system or Meridians, and the goal of any remedy or treatment is to assist the body in re-establishing its natural harmony.

Disease can be caused by internal factors like emotions, external factors like the environment and weather, and other factors like injuries, trauma, diet, and germs.

However, infection is seen not as primarily a problem with germs and viruses, but as a weakness in the energy of the body which is allowing a sickness to occur.

In Oriental medicine, the human body is considered as a part of the vast universe. We also call it the microcosm of the universe. As there are substances making up the universe, there are substances that make up the human body. As the universe is sustained by the principles of the nature, the human body derives its maintenance of health from the same principle. Oriental medicine is the medicine that studies these principles of the nature and applies it to maintain human health. It is also considered as a preventative medicine, where the illness is treated before it comes to a visible manifestation.

In Oriental Medicine, on two illnesses are ever the same, as each person has its own characteristics of symptoms and balance. Acupuncture is used to open or adjust the flow of Qi throughout the organ system, which will strengthen and support the body to heal itself.